$129.00 AUD

Fussy Eaters Online Course

Equip4Life’s Fussy Eaters online course has been designed by our Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, Carly, to help & support you in your journey to manage the challenges of a fussy eater. This course will provide you with lots of practical and helpful solutions along the way. You will receive 3 hours of recorded course content, downloadable digital resources including workbook, meal plans, recipes, product recommendations, grocery lists and more.

  • Fussy Eating - Module 1 - Paediatric Nutrition

    •  Crash course on Paediatric nutrition
    •  Identify your child’s nutritional needs and requirements for growth and development
    •  Determining why your child has feeding challenges
  • Fussy Eating - Module 2 - Tackling Mealtimes

    •  Mealtime strategies for success
    •  Division of responsibility
    •  Language and food rewards
  • Fussy Eating - Module 3 - Tackling Fussy Eating

    • Fussy eating behaviours and how to overcome them
    • Food jags, food throwers and more
    • The ‘white diet’, and how to improve variety
    • Strategies for handling constant snackers and textural challenges